Se­lec­tive Laser Sin­ter­ing

In­ter­est­ing facts about 3D print­ing tech­nol­o­gy

The rel­e­vance of Se­lec­tive Laser Sin­ter­ing lies in its abil­i­ty to pro­duce cus­tomized pro­to­types and com­po­nents with in­tri­cate de­tails and high strength. This tech­nol­o­gy is par­tic­u­lar­ly ap­peal­ing to in­dus­tries that need to re­spond quick­ly and ef­fi­cient­ly to mar­ket de­mands, such as the au­to­mo­tive, med­ical tech­nol­o­gy, and aero­space sec­tors.

By com­bin­ing ver­sa­til­i­ty and a wide range of ma­te­ri­als, SLS en­ables both the de­vel­op­ment of new prod­ucts and the op­ti­miza­tion of ex­ist­ing de­signs—all with an ef­fi­cien­cy that tra­di­tion­al man­u­fac­tur­ing meth­ods can­not match.

Maximum data protection

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34 years of experience

Resilient prototypes for your projects


Combination of versatility and material diversity

For every industry

From automotive to dentistry

Well advised

Reach your goal quickly with our experts

Maximum data protection

Your data is in safe hands with us

34 years of experience

Resilient prototypes for your projects


Combination of versatility and material diversity

For every industry

From automotive to dentistry

Well advised

Reach your goal quickly with our experts

From Powder to Component

An in­tro­duc­tion to the man­u­fac­tur­ing process

Thanks to the combination of versatility and material diversity, SLS enables both the development of new products and the optimization of existing designs - and all this with an efficiency that traditional production methods cannot offer.

1. Powder Coating

First, a thin layer of the desired material—often polyamide (nylon), but also TPU or various metals—is evenly applied to the build platform. The material is spread precisely using a recoater blade.

Powder layer in the SLS system.

2. Laser Sintering

A high-precision laser beam heats the defined areas of the powder layer to the sintering temperature. In these areas, the particles fuse into a solid structure without fully melting. The laser is computer-controlled, accurately reproducing the geometry of the component based on CAD data.

Precise monitoring of all processes.

3. Layered structure

Printed, robust and strong standard materials.

After the first layer is sintered, the build platform lowers slightly, and a new layer of powder is applied. This process is repeated until the entire component is built. The layer thickness typically ranges between 0.05 and 0.15 mm, enabling precise representation of even fine details.

Melting the SLS powder

4. Cooling and post-processing

After the build process is complete, the component must cool within the powder bed to prevent stress and deformation. The excess powder surrounding the component can then be removed and is often reusable. If necessary, post-processing follows to clean the component and, if needed, smooth or color its surfaces.

Cleaning the SLS component after removal from the powder bed.

Our case studies



A body with class: We produced the master model for the body of the cult Evetta light electric vehicle on a 1:1 scale – with perfect milling and the finest surface finishing. Find out how.

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The socket for the forest: We developed the prototypes for a type of powerbank for Stihl, which was put through its paces by forestry workers. A truly powerful project.

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"Jena, we have no problem": Jena-Optronik commissioned MODELLTECHNIK to produce a 1:1 model of the Gateway Docking Port, which is needed for sensor tests in space applications.

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Timeless and dignified: Working with Samosa and our expertise in 3D printing, MODELLTECHNIK creates beautiful templates and design samples for individually designed funeral urns.

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„Spot-on delivery under extreme time pressure [...] It couldn't be more perfect“
Herr Sven Oldach Senior Design Manager Technical Design | Industrial Design