
High-qual­i­ty in­te­ri­ors im­press with com­fort and de­sign

The ori­gins of lam­i­na­tion date back a long way. As ear­ly as an­tiq­ui­ty, ma­te­ri­als such as parch­ment or fab­rics were com­bined with oth­er sub­stances to en­hance their sta­bil­i­ty and dura­bil­i­ty. How­ev­er, in an in­dus­tri­al con­text, lam­i­na­tion only gained sig­nif­i­cance in the 20th cen­tu­ry, with the de­vel­op­ment of in­no­v­a­tive ma­chin­ery and ad­he­sive tech­nolo­gies.

Press lamination

Efficiency and Precision

vacuum lamination

Perfection for Complex Geometries

hand lamination

Tailored Solutions for Individual Requirements

Well advised

With our experts, quickly achieve the perfect design

Material Variety

Textiles, Synthetic leather, Vegan leather, foams, and much more

High Design Flexibility

Complex Shapes and Structures

35 years of experience

For the quality of your projects

Press lamination

Efficiency and Precision

vacuum lamination

Perfection for Complex Geometries

hand lamination

Tailored Solutions for Individual Requirements

Well advised

With our experts, quickly achieve the perfect design

Material Variety

Textiles, Synthetic leather, Vegan leather, foams, and much more

High Design Flexibility

Complex Shapes and Structures

35 years of experience

For the quality of your projects

An overview

Lam­i­na­tion in the Au­to­mo­tive In­dus­try: Com­bin­ing Func­tion­al­i­ty and Aes­thet­ics

At MODELLTECHNIK, we offer three core lamination techniques that enable us to flexibly adapt to various requirements and material properties. Each method has specific advantages that make it particularly suitable for different applications.

Design as unique as your project

Types of lam­i­nat­ing

Press lamination

In press lamination, material layers are bonded together under controlled heat and high pressure. This process is particularly suitable for flat or slightly curved components where uniform and robust connections are required.

Vacuum lamination

Vacuum lamination is the optimal solution for components with intricate shapes and surface structures. In this process, a vacuum is created, drawing the laminating material tightly against the component to achieve a seamless bond – even on highly curved or textured surfaces.

Manual Lamination

Manual lamination is the most flexible lamination process, ideal for components requiring customized and detailed handling. In this process, the lamination is performed entirely by hand, allowing for precise adjustments and the highest quality results.


Innovative lamination processes for the highest design requirements.

In press lamination, the materials to be processed, such as plastics, textiles, or foams, are carefully prepared and coated with an adhesive layer. The coated layers are then placed into a specialized press that simultaneously applies pressure and heat to the materials. The heat activates the adhesive, creating a strong and permanent bond between the layers. Typical applications of press lamination include a wide range of products requiring smooth or slightly curved surfaces. These include door panels, which benefit from enhanced functionality and aesthetic appeal through this process. Additionally, press lamination is ideal for flat decorative elements such as trim strips and console covers, which stand out due to precise workmanship and high-quality materials.

  • Advantages

    Consistent results with high production volumes

  • High stability and bonding strength of the connection.

  • Fast and efficient process, ideal for series production of prototypes.

Leather-laminated door panel with contrasting decorative stitching and chrome-plated handle.

Vacuum Laminating

Perfection for Complex Geometries

Vacuum laminating is the optimal solution for components with demanding shapes and surface structures. This process creates a vacuum that pulls the laminating material tightly onto the component, enabling a seamless bond – even on highly curved or textured surfaces. The base material, such as a dashboard, is first prepared with adhesive. The laminating material, like synthetic leather or films, is then heated to make it more flexible. Using a vacuum, the material is tightly drawn onto the base material, conforming precisely to all contours. Once cooled, a permanently stable bond is created.

  • Advantages

    Perfect adaptation to complex shapes and structures.

  • Seamless, bubble-free results.

  • High design flexibility, such as integrating surface textures.

Laminate with contrasting decorative stitching

Hand Laminating

Tailored Solutions for Individual Requirements

Hand laminating is the most flexible laminating process and is particularly suitable for components that require individual and detailed craftsmanship. In this process, the laminating is carried out entirely by hand, allowing for precise customization and the highest quality. The material is first manually cut and precisely adjusted to fit the shape of the component. Then, the adhesive is carefully applied to ensure an accurate and secure bond. Finally, with skilled craftsmanship, the laminating material is meticulously applied to avoid wrinkles or air bubbles.

  • Advantages

    Maximum flexibility in working with various materials.

  • Ideal for prototypes, custom-made products, or small production runs.

  • Perfect results for complex or highly delicate components.

Hand Laminating: Feel the precision, experience the quality.

Where is lam­i­nat­ing used?

Laminating is used in numerous industries, such as the automotive industry, furniture manufacturing, aerospace, and the production of prototypes and custom-made products. The flexibility of the process allows for the precise processing of a wide variety of materials and shapes.

Door pan­els

with smooth, textured, or slightly curved surfaces. Here, laminations also provide functional aspects such as abrasion resistance, durability, sound absorption, UV resistance, water repellency, and thermal insulation.

Flat dec­o­ra­tive el­e­ments

such as trim strips and console covers


with curved lines and details

Com­plex com­po­nents

where precision and attention to detail are crucial

Unique pieces or spe­cial mod­els

with specific design requirements


that require adjustments during the development phase

Small com­po­nents

with complex geometries

Ad­van­tages of Lam­i­na­tion

Lamination offers a wide range of benefits, covering both functional and aesthetic aspects. These advantages make it an indispensable technique in the manufacturing of modern products, especially in the automotive industry.

Our case studies



A body with class: We produced the master model for the body of the cult Evetta light electric vehicle on a 1:1 scale – with perfect milling and the finest surface finishing. Find out how.

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The socket for the forest: We developed the prototypes for a type of powerbank for Stihl, which was put through its paces by forestry workers. A truly powerful project.

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"Jena, we have no problem": Jena-Optronik commissioned MODELLTECHNIK to produce a 1:1 model of the Gateway Docking Port, which is needed for sensor tests in space applications.

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Timeless and dignified: Working with Samosa and our expertise in 3D printing, MODELLTECHNIK creates beautiful templates and design samples for individually designed funeral urns.

customer logo

Con­tact us

Whether you’ve got technical, commercial or specialist questions – we’re here to help.

„Spot-on delivery under extreme time pressure [...] It couldn't be more perfect“
Herr Sven Oldach Senior Design Manager Technical Design | Industrial Design